
Neue biostratigrafische Daten aus der Tirolischen Mitteltrias der Oberösterreichischen Kalkalpen

Michael Moser

As part of a dissertation project several Middle Triassic profile sections were recorded within the Tirolic Nappe System in Upper Austria (central Northern Calcareous Alps). This is in first line the Staufen-Höllengebirge Unit (Nappe), which arises within the investigated area between the outer Salzkammergut region and the Reichraming Hintergebirge mountain-range. Two different Middle Triassic stratigraphic successions have been distinct: (a) in the north a platform-related succession with a thick pile of lagoonal Wetterstein limestone of Ladinian age, and (b) slightly to the south a basin-related stratigraphic succession with a broad belt consisting of basinal deposits of the Reifling- and Raming formations and a thick Carnian Wetterstein reef-limestone on top.

Nördliche Kalkalpen, Tirolisch-Norisches Deckensystem, Gutenstein-Formation, Annaberg-Formation, Reifling-Formation, Raming- Formation, Wetterstein-Formation, Northern Calcareous Alps, Tirolic-Noric Nappe System, Middle Triassic, Gutenstein Formation, Annaberg Formation, Reifling Formation, Raming Formation, Wetterstein Formation

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