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Geo.Alp 13
Naturmuseum Südtirol - Museo di Scienze Alto Adige
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Rainer Brandner, Alfred Gruber, Corrado Morelli, Volkmar Mair (2016): Field trip 1 Pulses of Neotethys-Rifting in the Permomesozoic of the Dolomites
Evelyn Kustatscher, Massimo Bernardi, Fabio Massimo Petti, Marco Avanzini, Riccardo Tomasoni (2016): Field trip 2 Late Paleozoic and Mesozoic terrestrial environments in the Dolomites and surrounding areas
Peter Tropper, Bernhard Fügenschuh (2016): Field trip 3 Metamorphic transect through the Eastern Alps: the tectonometamorphic evolution of the Western Austroalpine and Southalpine basement
Hugo Ortner (2016): Field trip 4 Deep water sedimentation on top of a growing orogenic wedge - interaction of thrusting, erosion and deposition in the Cretaceous Northern Calcareous Alps
Diethard Sanders, Alexander Preh, Thomas Sausgruber, Hannah Pomella, Marc-André Ostermann, Andrea Sedlmaier (2016): Field trip 5 Rockfall-triggered, long-runout ‚two-layer scree/snow avalanche‘, old rock avalanche deposit, and epigenetic canyon incision (Northern Calcareous Alps): consequences for hazard assessment and landscape history
Ulrich Burger, Georg Orsi, Roland Arnold, Andrea Lussu, Heimo Schierl (2016): Field trips 7, 14, 15 Brenner Base Tunnel
Karl Krainer, Michael Meyer (2016): Field trip 8 Innsbruck´s geology in a nutshell: from the Hafelekar to the Hötting Breccia
Gianreto Manatschal, Geoffroy Mohn (2016): Field trip 9 Remnants of hyper-extended rifted margins in the Alps: implications for the formation and reconstruction of Alpine type orogens
Wolfgang Mette, Nicolas Thibault, Leopold Krystyn, Christoph Korte, Marie-Emilie Clemence, Micha Ruhl, Malgorzata Rizzi, Clemens V. Ullmann (2016): Field trip 11 Rhaetian (Late Triassic) biotic and carbon isotope events and intraplatform basin development in the Northern Calcareous Alps, Tyrol, Austria
Marc-André Ostermann, Christoph Prager (2016): Field trip 12 Rock slope failures shaping the landscape in the Loisach-, Inn- and Ötz Valley region (Tyrol, Austria)
Diethard Sanders, Alfred Gruber (2016): Field trip 13 Inner gorge-slot canyon system produced by repeated major base-level changes (Northern Calcareous Alps)
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- Geo.Alp 13
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