
Ergänzungen und Korrekturen zum Katalog der Gefäßpflanzen Südtirols (12)

Thomas Wilhalm, Elias Spögler, Franziska Zemmer, Erika Sölva, Simon Stifter, Felix Faltner, Mario Larcher, Gisella Leitner, Wilhelm Tratter, Joachim Winkler, Richard Lorenz, Georg Aichner, Reinhard Bachmann †, Martin Ebert, Marion Fink, Georg Frener, Lea Gibitz, Andreas Hilpold, Birgit Holzer, Thomas Kiebacher, Andreas Lanthaler, Wilhelm Mair, Petra Mair, Marco Merli, Erich Obrist, Arnold Rinner, Hartmann Wirth

The catalogue of the vascular plants of South Tyrol: additions and corrections (12)
This 12th edition of the series presents a total of 21 new or definitively confirmed taxa for the flora of South Tyrol. Microthlaspi erraticum and Orobanche lycoctoni are native species, which have been overlooked so far. In the case of O. lycoctoni, we discovered that the species had already been collected at the same locality in the 19th century, deposited in foreign herbaria and revised with suspicion of belonging to O. lycoctoni. Genista sagittalis, which is found in a very limited population and very isolated from the nearest occurrences, is probably native as it grows in a very natural and typical habitat.
Among the clearly non-native species, Chaerophyllum bulbosum is considered as locally established, while Bellevalia romana, Cynoglossum amabile, C. creticum, Dipsacus strigosus, Himantoglossum robertianum, Hyacinthoides non-scripta × hispanica, Hyacinthus orientalis, Juglans nigra, Olea europaea, Oxalis articulata, and Vitis ×novae-angliae are classified as casual.
The stability of the population and the status of naturalization, respectively, is unclear for the non-native Cornus sanguinea subsp. australis, Cyperus eragrostis, Cyrtomium „fortunei“, Passiflora caerulea, and Vitis ×koberi.
The native species Arabis collina and Asperula taurina, of which no recent data were available, are reconfirmed, as well as the non-native and ephemeral species Bromus madritensis and Physocarpus opulifolius that have not been observed in South Tyrol for some time. Likewise, we succeeded in reconfirming, or rather definitively confirming, the taxonomically critical Vitis vinifera subsp. sylvestris. Its status – native (i.e., archaeophytic) or non-native – remains, however, to be clarified.
In addition to the new and reconfirmed species mentioned above, there are also new and remarkable findings of some native species otherwise well documented. New records of very isolated occurrences are given for Callianthemum coriandrifolium, Chamaecytisus purpureus, Dryopteris villarii, and Ononis rotundifolia and new distribution data are also available for the neo-native Adenostyles leucophylla. Bupleurum stellatum is confirmed for the Martell Valley, the only current distribution area of the species in South Tyrol; further findings show an obviously wider distribution in this area than previously assumed.
A targeted search for the two FFH species Liparis loeselii and Saxifraga tombeanensis revealed that both species are not extinct in South Tyrol, as had been feared after years of non-confirmation. In the case of Liparis in particular, we have succeeded in discovering a large and high-altitude population that is of enormous conservation value not only for South Tyrol but for Italy as a whole.

catalogue of vascular plants, flora, additions, corrections, South Tyrol, Italy

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