Full title:
FloraFaunaSüdtirol (www.florafauna.it). Das Portal zur Verbreitung von Pflanzen- und Tierarten in Südtirol
Abstract (en):
Distribution data of a regional flora and fauna are an essential base for any further work in plant and animal science as well as for nature conservation and other applied special fields. The Museum of Nature South Tyrol, since its foundation, sees itself as the documentation center of such data and makes any effort to both gather data from different sources and to actively collect data in the field.
Special attention is turned to data administration, amongst other to continuous plausibility checks. In order to make accessible distribution data to the public, the Museum of Nature since February 2014 is online with the Internet portal FloraFaunaSüdtirol (www.florafauna.it). This provides an insight in the scientific database of the museum and serves for creating maps of recorded distribution data of wild species of selected animal and plant groups. Single groups are put online when supervised by an expert who is engaged with the insertion of data and particularly with validity checks. Of some groups there are already available detailed distribution maps. FloraFaunaSüdtirol also fulfills the role of a checklist by showing all species of an organism group ever recorded in South Tyrol.
The present paper introduces the most important tools of the portal which is designed as a work in progress aiming at stimulating the recording of data and at strengthening the communication between the curators of the museum, i.e. the administrators of the portal, and the external experts and laymen. New findings are visualized and published, respectively, through the portal. In this way, the knowledge of the distribution of single species is supposed to be enhanced efficiently.