
Primo ritrovamento in Italia di Ilybius wasastjernae (Sahlberg, 1824) (Insecta: Coleoptera: Dytiscidae: Agabinae)

Mario E. Toledo & Andrea Carlin


First finding of Ilybius wasastjernae (Sahlberg, 1824) in Italy (Coleoptera: Dytiscidae: Agabinae). It is here reported the first Italian record of Ilybius wasastjernae (Sahlberg, 1824), from a bog surrounded by a pine tree-spruce forest, in the province of Trento (north-eastern Italy). This is the southern-most record for this species in the Western Palearctic. At date, I. wasastjernae is known to occur in Italy only for this single, small and likely genetically isolated population. Illustrations of habitus, male genitals and habitat in which the species has been collected, are provided, together with brief considerations
on the status of this newly found species in Italy.

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